World Day for Decent Work 2017

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW), which will fall on 7 October. This year, the global focus is on the world struggle for living minimum wages and a pay rise for all workers.

Governments should heed the call from working women and men for decent wages, safe and secure jobs, and an end to greedy corporations setting the rules of the economy. This means ensuring that minimum wage-floors must be enough to ensure a decent standard of living, and that all workers must have the right to join a union and bargain collectively.
The ITUC has prepared social media graphics and content which can be used on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

All the materials can be downloaded in different languages from the World Day for Decent Work web page

You will find there:
The World Day for Decent Work logo to use on banners during your actions or on social media.

The 10 Greedy Companies exploiting hidden workers in their supply chains
ITUC Global Poll share graphics – Is the minimum wage enough to live a decent life? Does your country need a pay rise for workers?

Share your photos and action on social media using the #wddw hashtag and if you wish, also using #decentwork. #EndCorporateGreed. Using #wddw will help us collate actions on the ITUC website. This year, October 7 falls on a Saturday, which means that some organisations may decide to hold events during the week before or after. We will be monitoring activities as from Monday 2 October.