Trade unions call for New Social Contract at OECD Dialogue on Development

Trade unions participated at the Dialogue on Development Cooperation between the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and representatives from the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean that took place in Paris on 21 February. The ITUC seized the occasion to call for building a New Social Contract.

The Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) participated in the OECD DAC - LAC Dialogue on Development Cooperation to discuss ways to strengthen policy coherence for sustainable development and create new development narratives with other development stakeholders.

Paola Simonetti (ITUC/TUDCN) took the floor during the meeting to stress the important role that Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have in the trade union agenda and the special centrality of SDG 8 (Decent work and sustainable economic growth) within the 2030 Agenda. For trade unions, the 2030 Agenda is much more than a set of objectives. It is about policy changes and global shifts that the world needs urgently.

During her address, she reminded the audience that “70 per cent of the world’s population has no social protection at all. 300 million workers in emerging and developing countries earn less than 1.9 US dollars a day. Less than 60 per cent of workers have formal contracts and 81 per cent of all countries in the world have violated the right to collective bargaining,” she reminded the audience in the room.

In the light of these facts, Paola Simonetti reiterated the call of trade unions for a New Social Contract for governments, business and workers. The Contract should include a floor of a universal labour guarantee for all workers. Implementing a New Social Contract would make sure that that rights are respected, jobs are decent with minimum wages and collective bargaining, social protection is universal, due diligence and accountability are driving business operations, and that social dialogue ensures just transition measures for climate and technology.

Paola Simonetti addressing the delegates during the meeting.

For trade unions, the 2030 Agenda is much more than a set of objectives. It is about policy changes and global shifts that the world needs urgently.

 Paola Simonetti during her adress to the DAC-LAC meeting.


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