Trade union seminar on the post-2015 framework

In a few days trade union and SSO representatives from all around the world will gather in Istanbul to discuss the trade union engagement in the post-2015 development framework process. In a series of debates and working groups involving, among others, speakers from the UNDP, European Commission and the ILO, participants will reflect on the lessons learnt from the MDG framework, the possible shape of the new framework as well as ways to foster trade union engagement in the process. The seminar is organised by the TUDCN.

A short report from the seminar will be available on the ITUC website and in the Trade Union Focus on Development in October. For more information please contact Kasia Szeniawska, ITUC ([email protected]).

Read more:
 TU seminar on post-2015 - agenda overview
 After the MDGs - UN post-2015 development framework process gathers speed
 ITUC and ETUC submission to the EC Consultation on "Towards a Post-2015 Development Framework”