In this issue:
Global and regional news
- Trade unions demand a stronger role for workers in development cooperation policies at the OECD-DAC High Level Meeting
- Trade unions urge EU Commissioner Urpilainen to strengthen workers’ involvement for a rights-based Global Gateway
National news
- Argentina: Thinking about the SDGs is projecting into the future
- Belgium: Belgian trade unions cast a critical eye on government’s SDG plans
- El Salvador: ISCOS promotes sustainable and participatory water management in El Salvador
- France: Institut Belleville presents its Activity Report 2022
- India: India’s SDG commitments under threat from government’s labour and agriculture reforms
- Indonesia: KSBSI takes a lead role as SDG champion in Indonesia
- Niger: USTN promotes safe migration in Niger with the support of the Italian labour movement
- Senegal: CNTS includes sustainable development perspective in training for union reps and leaders
Equal Times
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