The 11th Asia Europe Labour Forum (AELF11) - Documents

The 11th Asia Europe Labour Forum (AELF11) took place in Brussels on 16-17 October 2018. The programme focussed on the labour and employment agenda in ASEM, achieving living minimum wages in Asia, decent wages in global supply chains, and trade agreements in Asia and Europe on the first day. On the second day the discussions focussed on how digitalization is reshaping the labour market, new forms of work organization and organizing workers in the digital economy.

AELF11 programme

Supporting material:

SAK (Finland): How is new technology changing the work of employees?
SAK (Finland): Does the worker have a say in the platform economy?
HMS (India): The labour and employment agenda in ASEM


ITUC - presentation
PSI - presentation
CTUM (Myanmar) - presentation
GEFONT (Nepal) - presentation
KSBSI (Indonesia) - presentation
SENTRO (Philippines) - presentation