The contribution of social dialogue to the 2030 Agenda: Formalising the informal economy

Participation is a pillar of sustainability, and so it is recognised in the 2030 Agenda. In the light of this, social dialogue, as a mechanism for participation, contributes to sustainability in many different ways. One example is its potential to build innovative approaches that enable progress with the formalisation of the informal economy. This process is one of the great challenges on the path to achieving decent work for all and more inclusive and sustainable societies, in line with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.

The contribution of social dialogue to the 2030 Agenda

This publication summarises the findings of the case studies that have been carried out over the last year in Argentina, Costa Rica, the Philippines and Kenya. This was done as part of a joint initiative between the International Trade Union Confederation’s Trade Union Development Cooperation Network (TUDCN) and the Social Dialogue & Tripartism Unit (DIALOGUE) of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

Related resources

 Formalising the informal economy: Argentina
 Formalising the informal economy: Costa Rica
 Formalising the informal economy: Kenya
 Formalising the informal economy: Philippines