The research, which has generated two reports that include country case studies in Africa and Latin America, revolves around the following main analysis areas: measures to support workers’ income and social protection; measures to support SMEs and job creation; and measures to support environmental sustainability. In addition, each country analysis concludes with an assessment of to what extent social partners have been involved in the planning and implementation of those measures.
The findings show that while the SDGs provide a coherent framework for responding to the crisis, most of the analysed government’s responses have failed to prioritise them when addressing the devastating impact of the pandemic. As a result, poverty and inequality levels are rising across both continents. As shown by the ITUC’s SDG 8 Monitor, most of the studied countries were already severely underperforming in terms of SDG 8 implementation before the COVID-19 outbreak. These countries were ill-prepared to face the devastating shockwave of the pandemic and had a limited capacity to put in place meaningful structural responses. The analysis shows that workers are bearing the brunt of the crisis as their income, rights, and working and living conditions are plummeting.
The reports conclude with a series of recommendations for governments and international donors, anchored on SDG 8 and the call for a New Social Contract.
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