Outline of the UN process on post-2015

Secretary General’s Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning.

Ms. Amina J. Mohammed from Nigeria has been appointed SG’s Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning.

UN System Task Team

The inter-agency Task Team, co-chaired by UNDP and UNDESA is coordinating the process within the UN system. In May 2012 the Task Team published its report to the Secretary General: Realizing the Future We Want for All, setting grounds for the work of the High Level Panel.

UN High Level Panel on Post-2015

The HLP, co-chaired by President Yudoyono of Indonesia, President Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia and Prime Minister Cameron of the United Kingdom includes 23 high-level representatives and was announced in August 2012. The panel’s discussions will result in a report, to be published in May 2013, which is expected to outline the first proposal of the new framework and pave the way towards the UN MDG Summit in September 2013.

UNDG ‘Building the post-2015 agenda’ initiative

Global Conversation
A set of online tools, including an interactive website, will be set up under the lead of the UN Millennium Campaign in order to allow individuals all around the world to learn about the process and offer their feedback and perspective on the new framework. The website - www.worldwewant2015.org has been launched in September 2012.

50 South Country consultations
UNDP committed to organise national consultations in 50 countries of the South. The guide to the consultations was published in July 2012. The consultations are expected to finish in the first quarter of 2013.

Consultations will be coordinated at national level by the UN Resident Coordinators, who will oversee the process. The consultations are expected to include a representative sample of participants, including civil society representatives.

First countries where the consultations will take place are listed below, but the list is not considered final and consultations might also be organised in other countries.

Thematic consultations
The thematic consultations started in May and are expected to finish in the first quarter of 2013. The consultations are organised by relevant UN specialised agencies. Consultations on Growth and Employment took place in May 2012. Consultations on Inequalities started in July 2012 and will continue until the end of the year. The full schedule of the other consultations has not yet been published.

Nutrition and food security FAO/WFP
Governance UNDP/OHCHR
Growth and Employment UNDP/ILO
Conflict Prevention and Resolution UNDP/PBSO/ISDR (tbc)
Environmental sustainability UNEP/UNDP
Population Dynamics UNFPA/UNHABITAT (tbc)

Sustainable Development Goals
The SDGs, coming out of the Rio+20 Summit that took place in June 2012, are expected to be integrated in the new development framework. It is however still not clear whether the processes of elaboration of both frameworks will be joint or how the integration between them will look like precisely. The main body responsible for the elaboration of the SDGs is the Intergovernmental Open Working Group, in consultation with the Expert Group.

Timeline of the process

January 2012 Task Team appointed.
May 2012 - First quarter 2013 Thematic consultations start.
15-16 May 2012 Thematic consultation on Growth and Employment. Tokyo, Japan
May 2012 Task Team’s report delivered
20 - 22 June 2012 Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
July 2012 – First quarter 2013 UN country consultations start after the publication of UNDG guidelines
August 2012 High Level Panel appointed.
First quarter 2013 Reports from country and thematic consultations delivered.
May 2013 Report of the High Level Panel delivered.
September 2013 MDGs Summit in the UN General Assembly.