The Labour 20 – L20 - represents the interests of workers at the G20 level. It unites trade unions from G20 countries and Global Unions and is convened by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) to the OECD.
Since the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008, the L20 engages around the G20 inter-governmental process to ensure inclusive and constructive dialogue on ‘Jobs and Growth’ as one of the official outreach groups together with the Business 20 (B20) and other outreach groups. Read more on the G20/L20 2008-2018.
The L20 conveys key messages of the global labour movement at the Employment Working Group and Sherpa meetings, Labour and Finance Ministers meetings and G20 Summits. Joint consultations of social partners with Leaders as well as Labour Ministers are an integral part of the G20 process.
Members of the L20 formulate key messages in a broad consultative process and confirm policy goals at the L20 Summit for each G20 presidency.
L20’s policy and advocacy will centre on:
- continuing the work of the sub-group on labour income share, and on decent work especially in supply chains and the transformation of work;
- addressing income inequality with minimum wages and collective bargaining, respect for labour rights, and social protection;
- increasing investment in infrastructure and the care economy;
- closing the gender pay gap together with measures to increase women’s labour market participation;
- preparing workers for a job-rich, rewarding Future of Work;
- addressing adverse effects of digitalisation and plurilateral e-commerce rules on labour markets and regulatory frameworks;
- promoting tax transparency and accountability;
- policy coordination to achieve a just transition to a carbon neutral economy and the digital transformation;
- protecting migrants’ labour rights; and achieving the Agenda 2030.
The L20 has consistently pressed:
- to generate investment to create quality jobs;
- to scale up quality apprenticeships and skills;
- to ensure the formalisation of work through minimum wages, labour rights and social protection floors;
- to achieve sustainable, green and inclusive growth;
- to ensure fair income distribution;
- to re-regulate the financial sector;
- and to follow-up on the implementation of G20 past and future commitments.