Labour 20 statement to G20 leaders: Global, state-led just transition now

photo: Money SHARMA AFP

Climate scientists have issued a dire warning about an impending global catastrophe – there is an urgent action from G20 governments.

Rather than continuing to allow corporate interests to dominate decision-making, the L20 statement calls for a globally coordinated, state-led, rapid just transition to combat climate change.

Chronic underinvestment in the real economy and corporate price gauging have created a cost-of-living crisis, with workers bearing a disproportionate share of the burden. Historic levels of inequality and social injustice have eroded trust in democracy and hindered global growth.

The international labour movement urges G20 leaders to prioritise the protection and promotion of labour rights. Fair and living wages, collective bargaining, social protection and decent work are essential for a new social contract for recovery and resilience.

Leaders need to act for the rights of informal workers, asylum-seekers and migrant workers, women, young workers and take urgent action to eliminate forced and child labour.

India’s presidency of the G20 should be marked with achievements of global goals and coherence across various agendas. The L20 calls for the restructuring of the International Financial Institutions and the repurposing the international financial architecture to serve a just transition to carbon neutrality, sustainable development and investment in the care economy and public services.