India : Huge National Strike Marred by Death of Union Leader

A two-day general strike organised by India’s national trade union centres, which has had a massive impact across the country, has been marred by the tragic death of Haryana transport union leader Narendra Singh, who was killed by a bus at a transport depot yesterday.

“We express our deepest condolences to Narendra Singh’s family and colleagues, and expect the Indian authorities to carry out a full and impartial investigation into the circumstances of his death,” said ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow.

The strike was called after the government refused to consider union proposals on workers’ rights, social security, job creation and a decent minimum wage.

“The rich in India are doing very well indeed yet the government, as in so many other countries, is failing to ensure that economic growth is reflected in job creation and decent living standards for the mass of the population. India’s workers have had enough of the lopsided and unequal economy, and the government’s latest moves will only make matters worse,” said Burrow.

A general strike in Greece, organised by the ITUC-affiliated GSEE and the ADEDY, brought the country to a halt yesterday, while Belgian workers will take to the streets today in protest at austerity policies.

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