TUDCN Highlights from 2017

The Trade Union Development Cooperation Network (TUDCN) has had a busy 2017. It has grown both in solidity, with increased participation and coordination of its members, as well as in impact, with an increased input and presence within a broader range of policy spaces. While this work covered many different settings, three developments stand out.

SDG Country Reports

The first set of trade union country reports on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). National members of the TUDCN As outlined in this video - they had a major impact, helping to open new spaces for the promotion of trade union priorities such as freedom of association, collective bargaining, social dialogue and the decent work agenda as a whole. They were used to engage governments and development institutions and hold them accountable to their 2030 Agenda commitments. Work has already started to build on this momentum and it is exciting to see new members take up this mantle.

Regional Networks

The strengthening of the regional networks in Africa, the Americas and Asia-Pacific, as well as the working group resulted in a major reinforcement and deepening of the work undertaken. It notably resulted in extending trade union involvement in the UN’s Regional Forums on Sustainable Development, where national governments provide progress reports on SDGs implementation. These represent key opportunities to make trade union voices heard, also seeking strategic alliances with likeminded social movements and civil society organisations.


Finally, the realisation of two research papers helped to build the evidence for new narratives, which are key to promoting trade union priorities: How do donors support the Decent Work Agenda? assesses the contributions of five donor countries to decent work internationally; Social dialogue as a driver and governance instrument for sustainable development explores social dialogue’s contribution to achieving sustainable development goals.

This comes on top of work on organisational capacity building and trade union partnerships, all of which is made possible thanks to the commitment of the organisations participating in the TUDCN.

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