A thematic seminar was jointly organised by the ITUC and the ILO. It took place on the 17th and 18th of November 2016. The focus of the seminar was on the role of social dialogue in development.
The full seminar report is available online EN, FR, ES
Meeting Documents:
- Seminar concept note
- Issue Paper - Social dialogue as a driver and governance instrument for sustainable development [FR] [ES]
- Global Deal - towards Decent Work for all Irene Wennemo - Ministry of Employment (Sweden)
- Enhancing Social Cohesion: The Role of of Inclusive Policy Tools and Social Dialogue Alexandre Kolev - OECD Development Centre
- National Dialogue for Social Security in Uruguay Julio Burgueño - PIT-CNT Uruguay (in Spanish)
- Sida’s Work on ’The Social Dialogue’ Gun Eriksson Skoog - INTEM/TEMA (Sweden)
- The role of social dialogue and tripartism in the current development context Youcef Ghellab - Social Dialogue and Tripartism Unit ILO
- The goal for development cooperation Anne Kullman - Sida (Sweden)
Background reading: