World Social Forum 2021

This year, the twentieth year of the World Social Forum, the WSF has gone virtual, from 24 to 31 January.

Bringing together people from all over the world, it gives a voice to those traditionally excluded from the summits of the global elite - the rich and powerful – and provides the space to discuss issues which matter to us all. WSF2021 will focus on real problems and radical solutions. The themes of the week are climate change, peace and war, democracy, social and economic justice, and gender and the fight against racism. All of these are crucial for trade unions, and the ITUC has worked with affiliates and regions to establish a “trade union tent” of events listed on this page. In addition, ITUC speakers will take part in other organisations’ events, which we also advertise here.

Events have been designed to be as open as the technology permits, with interpretation where possible, so this could be the biggest World Social Forum ever. And look out for the next WSF which will run during the week of the World Economic Forum in Singapore in May.

24 January 15:00 CET Universal Disarmament for Social and Ecological Transformation Zoom (passcode needed) English
24 January 17:00 CET Los Sindicatos Como Actores de la Paz en America Latina Zoom (passcode needed) English/Español/Français
25 January 18:00 CET Workers in the informal sector: what challenges to get out of precariousness Zoom Español/Français
26 January 15:00 CET A New Social Contract Zoom (registration needed) English/Español/Français
27 January 14:15 CET Is tax justice possible in Latin America? / Justiça fiscal na américa latina é possível? Zoom Português
28 January 13:00 CET How to get out of the crisis with social justice and democracy Zoom (passcode needed) English/Español/Français
28 January 15:00 CET Social Justice Principle and Objective of Social Transformation Zoom English/Español/Français
28 January 16:00 CET Attack on the common goods and the sovereignty of peoples Facebook Español
28 January 17:00 CET La revitalisation de Postes Canada: Pour une pays plus écologique et plus égalitaire Teams Français
28 January 18:00 CET Transición Ecológica, ecosocialismo y Desarrollo/Ecological Transition, Ecosocialism and Development Registration necessary at FSM - Transição Ecológica, Ecossocialismo e Desenvolvimento English/Español/Portugûes
29 January 14:00 CET A Just Transition for Social and Climate Justice Zoom (registration needed) English/Español/Français
29 January 16:00 CET Local and Global Struggle to Save the Planet Zoom English/Portugûes
29 January 21:00 CET Defesa da caixa e banco do brasil frente aos ataques neoliberais do governo Bolsonaro Zoom Portugûes