World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2007 (Davos) - Statement of Labour Leaders

"Labour and the Shifting Power Equation"

Shaping the global agenda is the aim of all work of the international trade union
movement. From organising and capacity building to lobbying and campaigning,
the objective is to ensure a better tomorrow than today for the workers, the
unemployed and the poor of this world. In order to achieve this – hence, so as to
better shape the global agenda – the international trade union movement has
undergone historic and substantive changes within the last year. Towards the end
of 2006, the most united and representative trade union international in history was
born. Bringing the world’s free and democratic labour movements together for the
first time, the newly created International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
represented 168 million workers from 153 countries and territories. In the early
days of 2007, the creation of the new international was complemented by the
founding of the Council of Global Unions, bringing the ITUC together with ten
Global Union Federations, representing trade unions by sector and the Trade
Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC)...

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World Economic Forum Statement - Labour and the Shifting Power Equation