

LEE Cheuk Yan, general secretary of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) is a prominent leader in the trade union and democratic movement in Hong Kong and well respected in the international trade union family. He is faced with nine criminal offences of organising and taking part in un-authorised assemblies during the anti-extradition and democratic movement in 2019 and in 2020. His first trial starts on 16 February.

The ITUC calls on its affiliates worldwide to take solidarity actions, starting on Valentine’s Day (14 and 15 February) and tell Lee #WeLoveFreedominHK :

  • Share the infographics on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with the hashtags #WeLoveFreedominHK #SolidarityWithHKUnion.
  • Modify your profile photo on social media with a Twitter ribbon or a Facebook frame.
  • Take a picture with the poster below and share it on social media with the hashtags #WeLoveFreedominHK #SolidarityWithHKUnion
  • Mail a solidarity postcard to Lee for Valentine’s Day: HKCTU, 19/F Wing Wong Commercial Building, 557-559 Nathan Road , Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong; take a picture, use the hashtags, and share it on social media.
  • Send a letter urging the Hong Kong government to withdraw the charges and respect fundamental rights and freedoms.


  • #SolidarityWithHKUnion
  • #WeLoveFreedominHK

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Find more information on the trade unions under threats in Hong Kong here.

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