United Kingdom: TUC - Unions4Climate

We, the TUC-UK, representing 5.9 million workers in 54 affiliated trade unions, make the following national commitments:

  • To campaign for a national goal of a virtually carbon-free UK power sector by 2030, of between 50grammes and 100 grammes of carbon emissions per kilowatt hour.
  • To campaign for the creation of a million green jobs in the UK.
  • To campaign for our energy intensive industries with a national goal to develop and grow the world’s most energy efficient industries in the UK.
  • To call for the reform and eventual phase out of fossil fuel subsidies r To call on the UK government to stick to its £3.87 billion contribution towards fast-start international climate finance between 2011 and 2016.
  • To support union-led "greening the workplace" campaigns across the public, private and voluntary sectors.