Trade unions consider that the 2019 GPEDC SLM will be an important step towards better alignment of the development effectiveness agenda with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Trade unions remain committed to the principles of the Partnership and present the following proposals to strengthen the Partnership.
- Scaling up its contribution to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) through making development cooperation more effective;
- Reaffirming the aid and development effectiveness principles and commitments since the Paris, Accra, Busan, Mexico and Nairobi aid effectiveness fora as the foundation of the GPEDC;
- Continuing to strengthen the monitoring process on the implementation of the effective development cooperation commitments to better align it with the SDGs, simplify it and adapt it to specific contexts;
- Continuing to champion decent work, the human rights-based approach, and the enabling environment for civil society;
- Promoting and learning from social dialogue as an established multi-stakeholder partnership that links the development effectiveness principles to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
- Implementing the Kampala Principles as a tool that ensures that private sector engagement is in line with the development effectiveness principles and internationally agreed human rights norms and standards; and
- Strengthening and renewing the GPEDC work streams through a more inclusive participation and a specific focus on the enabling environment for civil society organisations.
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