Trade union inputs on the Multiannual Action Programme “Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities”

 Trade Unions welcome the proposal of the European commission to have a multi-annual programming process. This will allow better predictability and transparency both on policy priorities and funds allocation;

 They are quite concerned about the very much-limited allocations to support regional and global networks (across 2015-16-17). This seems disproportioned compared to country-based allocations, and moreover not in line with the strategic objective of the 2012 EC Communication and the CSOs-LAs MIP, adopting an actor-based approach and highlighting the “pivotal role (of global and regional networks) in linking local concerns and priorities, often caused by global challenges such as climate change, to regional and global debates”.

 Trade Unions note with deep preoccupation that the Call for Proposal (CfP) system still remains a default mechanism for CSOs. This goes against the results of the structure dialogue process (including CSOs right of initiative), which have clearly stated the limits of this system.

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