After the succesfull TUDCN conference in October (see previous newsletter), November and December have been months of reporting and external activities. The Monitoring and Evaluation Group of the Network met in Runo the day after the conference and provided useful elements to adjust the work of the TUDCN. We also finalised the first year reporting to the EU. Both exercises showed the strong
interest and support of the trade union organisations in the TUCDN, put the finger on some of the weaknesses (p.e. limited involvement of the southern organisations) and highlighted the fact that the Network has been much more than a mere technical operation. It has clearly triggered the awareness of the partners and of the outside world about the trade unions as actors in development and has drawn the attention to our specific approach to development. The Decent Work
agenda with its inclusive, social and economic orientation and its method of social dialogue is without doubt, the main input the trade union movement has to make to the development strategies. Also democratic ownership of development is an essential element of our approach.
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