The ITUC Urges Fijian Government to Restore Democracy

The ITUC has expressed grave concerns that the Fijian President Josefa Iloilo has reinstated the government, despite the Court having ruled it as illegitimate.

Brussels, 15 April 2009: The ITUC has expressed grave concerns that the Fijian President Josefa Iloilo has reinstated the government, despite the Court having ruled it as illegitimate.

The ITUC calls on the Fiji regime to immediately lift the restrictions on the media, and ensure full respect for the rule of law and the Constitution, and expresses its grave concern over the suspension of the Constitution and firing of the judges and calls for urgent and full restoration of democracy and the return of civilian rule.

“The international trade union movement condemns the declaration of a state of emergency with police given powers to control the movement of people" said Guy Ryder, ITUC General Secretary.

Freedom of the Press is a pillar of democracy and the restrictions that have been imposed are completely unacceptable and must be withdrawn.
The regime should also publicly undertake to hold free and fair elections without delay to ensure democracy, and in order to avoid the further and deepening isolation of Fiji by the international community.

The ITUC represents 170 million workers in 312 affiliated national organisations from 157 countries and territories.

For more information please contact the ITUC Press Department on: +32 2 224 0204 or +32 476 621 018