Supply Chains Resources Hub

Supply Chains Resources Hub

Global Supply Chains = Exploitation

Eighty per cent of world trade and 60% of global production is now captured by the supply chains of multinational companies. The majority of supply chain workers are trapped in insecure and often unsafe jobs with poverty wages and long hours. Informal work, forced overtime and slavery are also found in the mix.

A recent ITUC report shows that 50 of the world’s largest companies directly employ just 6% of the workers in their supply chains – the remaining 94% are part of the hidden workforce of global production.

Governments are beginning to wake up to the problem, and the G7, the G20, the ILO and the OECD have accepted that something needs to be done.

We need to mobilise to transform the supply chain model into a system that works for working people. This means putting the rule of law, the right to organise and bargain collectively, at the centre. It means solidarity in every part of the supply chain with those who are trying to build workers’ power.

This site is dedicated to promote the work of unions and allies in the fight for decent work in supply chains.

Please post your reports, the stories of workers and the organising campaigns that we can all support.

By exposing the practices of these companies to consumers and citizens around the world, companies can be held accountable and made to take responsibility for their supply chains and follow the rule of law.