Spain: news from the ISCOD (Trade Union Institute for Development Cooperation)

 The ISCOD is carrying out a cooperation project in Morocco under the heading "Preventing Child Labour through the Fight against School Abandonment in Morocco".

> Read the document with details about the project and information on two activities related to the project (in Spanish)

 The UGT and CCOO are taking part in the process to create a new cooperation agenda in Spain beyond 2015 and the Millennium Development Goals, in their capacity as members of the Development Cooperation Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. The two trade union centres drew up a joint position arguing that the current cooperation paradigm should be changed and based on the principles of sustainability, democratic ownership and governance; a cooperation model that promotes social inclusion, decent work and livelihoods for workers, based on respect for and the protection of human rights. The workers’ organisations, in line with the positions of the international trade union movement and the International Labour Organisation, will continue to work for the introduction of new objectives in the development agenda aimed at securing a universal social protection floor, full employment and decent work.

> Read the trade union position on the post-2015 agenda (in Spanish)

 In addition, during the month of September, the nine trade union organisations that are members of the European Regional Trade Union Partnership drew up a position advocating decent work, calling for, among other demands, the defence and preservation of international development cooperation policies within the framework of the post-2015 agenda as an unavoidable commitment in the drive to achieve social justice.

> Read a copy of the Partnership’s position (in Spanish)

 ISCOD Activity Record 2012: The ISCOD has published a record of its activities in 2012 on its webpage (in Spanish):