Public-Private Partnerships in Malawi - Interview with Alex Nkosi

Alex Nkosi is the author of a recent case study on the use of Official Development Aid (ODA) to promote Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Malawi. The study highlights issues with how PPPs operate in practice that can seriously undermine the original development aims of the investments. It contributed to the TUDCN’s latest report entitled The development effectiveness of supporting the private sector with ODA funds. We spoke to Mr Nkosi to find out more.

The interview, which is a collaboration with Radio Labour, identifies a number of key issues. The international call to tender favours European companies and results in low skilled jobs for locals. This results in a situation in which much of the value created by the PPP is repatriated back to the company’s home country and does therefore not create any wealth accumulation in Malawi. Furthermore, there is a lack of knowledge build-up by local stake holders and no real transfer of knowledge.

Also highlighted is the general lack of awareness and enforcement of worker rights among the workers, the employers and even government officials. This leads to an environment in which workers are prone to being exploited.

You can read the full study here: The Usage of Official Development Assistance (ODA) in Public Private Partnerships Investments in Africa: The impact of labour rights - A Malawi Case Study