Mozambique A luta continua!

On 16 June, we will celebrate the first anniversary of Domestic Workers Convention with the campaign 12 by 12, the slogan of the day will be: "Decent work for domestic workers, minimum wage and security at work".

On December 2011, OTM launched the campaign of ILO Convention for Domestic Workers in Tete and Maputo Provinces (Central and southern regions) of Mozambique.

On 16 June, we will celebrate the first anniversary of Domestic Workers Convention with the campaign 12 by 12, the slogan of the day will be: Decent work for domestic workers, minimum wage and security at work.

Objectives of the campaign are:

  • Lobby and advocacy with the Government, members of Parliament and other organizations of civil society in favour of ratification of ILO Convention 189 in protecting the rights of domestic workers;
  • Disseminate the Convention 189 and Recommendation 201 within the domestic workers for their knowledge and implementation;
  • Recruit new members to strengthen the structure of SINED in all provinces of Mozambique