List of actions


UNIFEM: Say NO-UNiTE To End Violence against Women
 Watch the video

UNI-Campaign: ’Stop Violence against women: Break the circle!’
 Watch the videos: partI, partII
 Download the guide, poster

PSI-Campaign: Say No to violence against women
 Download the guide

IFJ/IFEX: 40 IFEX members call for concrete measures to end violence against women who speak out courageously


Bulgaria-CITUB: International Day on the Elimination of Violence against Women in Bulgaria

France-CFDT: Journée internationale pour l’élimination des violences faites aux femmes: Des mesures concrètes sont urgentes

Ireland-ICTU: Congress launches Violence against Women Workplace Guidelines
 Read the Guidelines

Norway-LO: International Campaign against men’s violence against women
 Download the leaflet

Spain-CCOO/UGT: UGT y CCOO hacen un llamamiento conjunto a la
concienciación en el Día Internacional para la Eliminación
de la Violencia contra las mujeres

 Read more on UGT website
 Read more on CCOO website
 Read the resolution


TUCA/CSA- Campaign: ’Alto a la Violencia contra las mujeres en el Trabajo y en el Hogar’:
 Watch the video
 Download the leaflet

AFL-CIO: Statement from AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Liz Shuler on the United Nations International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women
 Read more

Argentina-CTA: Todos contra la violencia de género

Brazil-Força Sindical: Trabalhadoras reivindicam delegacias da mulher funcionando 24 horas

Canada-OTTAWA: Postcard campaign targets violence against women - Thousands of cards being sent to prime minister

Colombia-CUT: Convocatoria ’Alto a la Violencia contra las Mujeres en el trabajo y en el hogar’
 Read more

Dominican Republic-CNUS/CASC/CNTD/CONAMUCA: Marcha de las Mujeres
 Read more

Guatemala-UNSITRAGUA: La eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer: Un reto para la construcción de la Democracia y la Justicia Social

Honduras-Feministas en Resistencia: 151 días de resistencia: Ni golpes de Estado ni golpes a las mujeres!
 Watch the videos:

Venezuela-ASI: Lanzamiento de Campaña Continental CSA/ CSI/ ASI

Venezuela-CTV/CODESA/CGT: Día de la No violencia en el trabajo y el hogar - Carta a la Fiscalia


Australia-ACTU: White Ribbon Day

Israel-Histadrut/Na’amat: On 22 November Na’amat held an event marking the 25th anniversary of the establishment of its Department for the Prevention and Treatment of Violence
 Download the invitation

Nepal-Gefont: GEFONT marks world day - Violence against Women
 Read the report