By Marita González @Maritagonzal1 (CGTRA)
Since the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008, the L20 has been engaging in the G20 intergovernmental process to ensure inclusive and constructive dialogue on ’Jobs and Growth’. The L20 is one of several other engagement groups, with which it also interacts, such as those representing business (B20), civil society (Civil 20), women (Women 20) young people (Youth 20), think tanks and the academic community (T20) and the scientific community (S20).
The L20 conveys the key messages of the global labour movement on the occasion of consultations with the Employment Task Force, Sherpa meetings, the meetings of Labour Ministers and Finance Ministers, and the G20 Summits. The joint consultations involving social partners, G20 leaders and Finance and Labour Ministers are an integral part of the G20 process.
Launch of L20 – Argentinian Presidency
Gerardo Martínez, appointed as the Chair of the L20, headed the formal launch, held at the UOCRA headquarters, of the L20 engagement group representing workers within the framework of the next G20 Summit in 2018.
The Chair was accompanied by leaders of all the national trade union centres in Argentina, including Héctor Daer (CGT), Adolfo Aguirre (CTA Autónoma), Roberto Baradel (CTA Trabajadores) and G20 representatives from the country.
The L20 will discuss and prepare documents setting out the vision of the international trade union movement, building a Global Union Platform, to influence the decisions of the G20. As with the G20, which is being chaired by Argentina, represented by the President of the Nation, from December 2017 till the end of 2018, the L20 will be chaired during the same period by Gerardo Martínez.
The strategy of the Labour 20 Group will be to create the synergies required to make the voice of workers from the Global South heard. The work done by the International Trade Union Confederation and the Trade Union Confederation for the Americas, as well as the Global Unions, constitutes a huge endeavour in the bid to tackle the challenges of the 2030 Agenda, and in particular decent work and the reduction of inequalities.
Interview of Gerardo Martínez:
Message from the L20
The L20 has, for over a decade, been calling for a range of measures, such as:
- The generation of investments to create decent work and quality employment.
- Greater inclusion through universal access to quality public education, better quality apprenticeships and skills training.
- Ensuring employment formalisation through the transition to the formal economy, minimum wages, social dialogue, collective bargaining agreements, respect for labour rights and social protection floors.
- Attaining sustainable development with decent work for all, throughout the supply chain, as well as in the digitalised and green economies of the future.
- Developing measures in line with climate change commitments and promoting a just transition towards a low-carbon and digitalised economy.
- Improving global and national fiscal transparency by regulating financial systems and eradicating illicit financial flows.
- Ensuring policy coherence at global level by aligning the policies of the G20 with the 2030 Agenda.
- Developing a joint response to mass refugee flows and ensuring respect for migrants’ rights.
Priorities of the L20 for the G20 Argentina 2018
The Labour 20 Group has expressed the need to generate policy coherence with the United Nations multilateral system, based on the implementation and fulfilment of the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with particular emphasis on the chapter on "Human Resources Development and Employment" with regard to SDG 1) Ending poverty in all its forms, 4) Education, 5) Gender Equality, 8) Economic Growth and Decent Work for All, 10) Reducing all forms of Inequality, 13) Climate Action, and 16) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Our priorities are framed by the fundamental issues identified by the trade union movement, such as: sustainable development, employment and education – with special emphasis on gender equality, young people and the future of work – the rights of migrants and refugees, the digital economy, trade and investment and environmental sustainability.
Further information: