A global jobs crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented loss of jobs and workers’ livelihoods. The world has lost the equivalent of 255 million full time jobs since the beginning of the crisis, and an additional 130 million jobs are still at risk.
ITUC analysis of 35 countries representing 61% of global GDP and 48% of the global population shows that only 8 countries have concrete plans to create jobs.
77% of the countries analysed by the ITUC are failing to invest in sustainable infrastructure and the care economy to create climate-friendly jobs.
We have a global jobs crisis - with low paid, insecure work on offer, a childcare and aged care shortage, and a great many jobs that need to become climate-friendly.
575 million new jobs by 2030
The ITUC is committed to full employment, and has set a global target for the creation of 575 million new jobs by 2030 as well as the formalisation of at least 1 billion informal jobs, representing half of the total global informal economy.
Achieving these targets will enable delivery on government commitments for "full and productive employment and decent work for all’” as part of Goal 8 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The ITUC’s Just Jobs campaign brief, “Creating Jobs: what can governments do ?” sets out key compontents of job creation plans
Job creation plans in action
Unions are campaigning for job creation plans including investment in the care economy, sustainable infrastructure and climate-friendly jobs