Led by the EU and IMF, creditors are demanding removal of restrictions on mass dismissal of workers, new obstacles to trade union organisation and collective bargaining, further restrictions on the right to strike and deeper cuts to pensions.
Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary, said: “The IMF seems to have little if any understanding of what is really happening in Greece and indeed in the world in general. Six years of imposing the will of financial capital at the expense of workers has been an utter failure, and left the Greek economy with no pathway for a return to growth and job creation. Ideology has again trumped sensible economics with this latest round of demands, which even a beginner economist can tell will drive the economy into deeper trouble and leave even more people in severe poverty.”
The ideological nature of the IMF’s demands has been underlined by their insistence on “lock-out” provisions for employers, even though the Greek employers have not asked for this. The ITUC General Council, meeting in Vienna today, expressed its solidarity and support to the Greek workers and their unions.
“We call on the IMF to cease and desist from these destructive policies in Greece which are causing immense pain to workers and their families and are creating economic devastation,” said Burrow.