Global New Deal for a new Fairness and a new respect for the planet

A call for a ‘Global New Deal’ was launched today in Brussels by a unique coalition of progressive politicians, trade unions and NGOs from over forty countries.

Brussels, 3 April 2009 (ITUC OnLine): A call for a ‘Global New Deal’ was launched today in Brussels by a unique coalition of progressive politicians, trade unions and NGOs from over forty countries. ITUC affiliates from every region took part in the event.

“Coming straight after the London G20 Summit, where new possibilities to transform the direction of globalisation were opened up, this major event shows the determination of progressive people across the planet to forge a new world,” said ITUC General Secretary Guy Ryder.

The launch of the call took place at the Global Progressive Forum, a huge gathering of over 2,000 politicians, trades unionists, NGOs, representatives of progressive international organizations and grassroots activists in the European Parliament, and timed to coincide with the end of the G20.

The declaration states “Together it is possible to change the face of globalization”

“Over recent decades, progressive forces have been warning about the accumulation of risks and injustices for people and the planet. Now, the fundamental and systemic failures of the current economic system are undeniable: the time has come to restate our values, our vision and our proposals for a new direction, transforming our societies, improving the lives of our and future generations.”

“Millions live in poverty without access to decent work, housing or basic medical care while others indulge shocking greed.”

The Global Progressive Forum calls for a Global New Deal including

 The biggest coordinated fiscal stimulus in modern history to stop unemployment and poverty

 Financial market regulation, including an end to tax avoidance by the elite by abolishing tax havens

 Supporting the transition to a renewable and energy efficient economy
 Promoting fair trade

 Pushing decent work up the global agenda

 A more equitable sharing of revenue between capital and labour
 Ensuring women’s rights

 Massive new resources to secure development in the world’s poorest countries

Each person taking part in the launch of the call for a ‘Global New Deal’ signed a giant globe to show their support, and explained to the gathered audience why they supported the declaration. Signatories included
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, President of the PES, Member of the European Parliament, former Prime Minister of Denmark
Elisabeth Tang, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions, Hong Kong/China
Chico Whitaker, co founder and member of the organising committee of the World Social Forum (in personal capacity)
Anna Diamontopoulou, Member of the Greek Parliament with Greek Socialist Party PASOK and former European Commissioner
Martin Ziguela, President of the MLPC, former Prime Minister, Central African Republic
Lionel Jospin, former Prime Minister of France
Pascal Affi N’guessan, President of the FPI, Vice President of the Socialist International, former Prime Minister of Ivory Coast
Karl August Offman, former President of Mauritius, and leader of the Africa Forum
Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar, former Minister of Justice, Spain
Jutta Urpilainen, Leader of the Social Democratic Party of Finland
Mustapha Ben Jaafar, Leader of the FDTL, candidate for the presidential elections 2009, Tunisia
Alpha Conde, Leader of the Rassemblement du Peuple de Guinée
Pervenche Beres, Chair of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, France
Josep Borrell, Chair of the Global Progressive Forum, Chair of European Parliament Development Committee
Guy Ryder, Secretary General of the International Trade Union Confederation
John Tesha, General Secretary of the Africa Forum, South Africa
Aicha Belarbi, from Morocco, former Secretary of State for Cooperation and former Ambassador to the EU
Namrata Bali, founder of Self Employed Women’s Association, India
Bob Kuttner, Editor of the American Prospect, USA
Aminata Traore, writer and former Minister of Culture, Mali
Mercedes Bresso, President of the Socialist Group in the Committee of Regions and President of the Piedmont Region, Italy
Larry Mishel, Chair of the Economic Policy Institute, USA
Salima Ghezali from Algeria, writer and winner of 1997 Sakharov Prize
Vandana Shiva, Director of the Research Foundation for science, technology and ecology, India
Professor Stephany Griffith-Jones, Columbia University, USA
Sony Kapoor, Executive Director of Re-define, India
Kader Arif, member of the European Parliament, France
John Evans, General Secretary of the TUAC_OECD
Mody Guiro, General Secretary of CNTS, Senegal,
Conny Reuter, Secretary General of Solidar
Bob Borosage, Co-Chair of the Campaign for America’s future, USA
Luciano Vecchi, Vice chair of the Global Progressive Forum and a member of the Partito Democratico, Italy
Ernst Stetter, General Secretary of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Giacomo Filibeck, President of the European Committee of Socialist Youth
Viviana Pinero, Vice President of the International Union of Socialist Youth, Uruguay

Others supporting the declaration while not being present to sign were Pascal Lamy, Howard Dean and Alfred Gusenbauer.

For more information, see:

Photo: adamcurry