No World Cup Without Workers’ Rights

Unless Qatar respects workers’ rights and gives legal protection to its huge migrant workforce, FIFA should re-open the decision to hold the 2022 World Cup there!

Qatar’s migrant workers are building the 2022 World Cup stadiums, transport routes and hotels in conditions of modern-day slavery.
They are paid poverty wages and live in dirty and inhuman labour camps. Hundreds are killed on the construction sites every year. More workers will die building the World Cup facilities than the number of players who will play in the World Cup.

FIFA has called on Qatar to bring its labour laws up to international standards. But the Qatar government will not allow the 1.5 million migrant workers to set up a union to defend their rights.

The campaign “Give Qatar a Conscience - No World Cup Without Workers’ Rights” wants to make the Qatar government bring in labour laws which meet world standards. This would save lives and ensure that the World Cup is not built on modern slavery.