eSwatini global day of action 6 August 2021: Support eSwatini people’s demand for a democratic government

The eSwatini protests that started on 25 June were called by pro-democracy campaigners following the killing of a university student in the month of May by the police forces. This was not an isolated incident. Extra judicial killings have become rampant, condoned by the authorities. So far 71 people are reported to have been killed by the security forces during the protests.

The short-term demands of the eSwatini trade union movement are:

  • An end to the ongoing intimidation, threats of arrests, raids, unprovoked brutal beatings of the members of the public by the police, soldiers and agents of the government.
  • The release of all protestors under the detention of the army and the police.
  • An independent investigation under the supervision of the UN to unearth the murderers of the people and for those found in the wrong to face the law.
  • The unbanning of political parties to pave way for a political negotiated settlement.
  • A signed formal commitment by the Government to a negotiated political reform process with eSwatini civil society and political parties.

The appalling state of human and trade union rights in eSwatini is set out in the Global Rights Index launched by the ITUC on 30 June and in more detail in a report drafted to support a Commonwealth Trade Union Group campaign to suspend eSwatini from the Commonwealth.

We call upon you to send a protest letter to the eSwatini government and also a letter to your government. In Commonwealth countries (where the eSwatini embassy is called a High Commission), the letter to your government should include the call for eSwatini to be suspended from the Commonwealth and we will confirm this with affiliates in Commonwealth countries shortly.

You are also encouraged to organise protest actions at the eSwatini embassy or High Commission in your country, issue a press or other public statement denouncing the actions of the eSwatini government and join the social media campaign using #Timeup4Tinkhundla and tag the following organisations: @UNHumanRights, @achpr_cadhp, @SADCnews, @EU-Commission, @-African Union, @USEmbEswatini, @UKinEswatini, @GovernmentZA, @EswatiniGovern1 @commonwealthsec

Please copy any letters or public statement to [email protected] so that we know who has joined the action, and keep us informed of any other actions you are able to take.

eSwatini: Model letter to eswatini government
eSwatini: Model letter to country ministry of foreign affairs