Egypt’s Military Rulers Should Move Aside

Egypt’s military rulers should step aside in favour of a genuine civilian transitional authority to prepare for elections and the adoption of a democratic Constitution, as thousands of Egyptians take to the streets in protest at lack of progress on political and economic reform.

Dozens of protesters have been killed, many in Cairo’s Tahrir square, as the military and police have turned increasingly violent in a vain effort to stifle dissent. The country’s cabinet has now offered to resign.

“The level of anger is not surprising, given the slow pace of change and the military’s apparent obsession with remaining outside civilian control forever. They should step aside and allow the formation of a legitimate civilian authority to usher in democracy and tackle corruption and the social and economic crisis affecting the daily lives of Egyptians,” said Sharan Burrow.

“In the euphoria after the removal of the Mubarak regime, the international community has been too complacent, putting its trust in a military which does not have the people’s best interests at heart.
It is time for the generals to hand over power to those who have the will and the capacity to help Egypt on its way to the destination which the people seek.”

Photo: Mashahed

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