Austria - Short updates on the Covid-19 developments (ÖGB)

by Isabelle Ourny, ÖGB’s International Secretariat

 Date of update: 26 June 2020

1. Easing of the general restrictions

  • Since June 14, it is no longer compulsory to wear masks in schools and businesses (exception hospitals, old age homes, doctors’ offices, pharmacies).
  • As of July 1, waiters will be no longer be required to wear a mask, (salt shakers will also return to the tables).
  • The curfew for closed events with 100 people will be lifted at the beginning of July, which also means that you can celebrate again without restrictions at weddings.
  • Starting July 1st, there will also be no minimum distance rule when exercising - every indoor and outdoor sport is allowed again. However, attendance lists must be kept to enable contact tracing.
  • Starting September, under certain conditions, outdoor events with up to 10,000 and indoor events with up to 5,000 participants will be allowed (sports and cultural events)

2. Short time work
Companies are able to employ their employees on short-time work until the end of August. In this Phase 2, the employee‘s income may also remain at 80 to 90 percent of the original net income.

3. Special protection for high risk groups
Exceptions apply to people in the (health) high risk group during the coronavirus crisis. The Ministry of Social Affairs has now extended these rules up to and including July 31. The special protection applies above all to people with chronic diseases such as kidney, lung and heart diseases.

 Date of update: 10 June 2020

1. Short-time work
The sort-time work package which has been put together jointly by social partners and the Federal Government remains an important measure against the crisis. From initially 400 Million euros, the short-time package increased to twelve billion euros. Almost 1,3 million workers are now working short time. The social partners have been improving the model: the calculation has been simplified, work on call is prohibited, clarification on flexible work and apprentice compensation.

2. Attacks against workers’ rights – works council election stopped
The corona crisis is more and more being used to overrun workers’ rights. Almost at the last minute, the management of the Graz-based metrology manufacturer Anton Paar put a stop to the election of the works council. The corona virus is said to be to blame for the fact that the election cannot take place as planned. "The virus is being used as a weapon against workers’ rights", was the horrified reaction of the responsible union. We will not accept this without a fight!

3. Youth Unemployment – prevent lost generation
The Union Youth (ÖGJ) have launch a campaign the tackle youth unemployment.
Due to the crisis, youth unemployment is predicted to almost double from 44,000 at present to 80,000 people! The campaign called #Lost generation - youth without a job is calling for an increase in apprenticeship places in state-related area and the creation of a corona emergency apprentice fund to support companies offering apprenticeship despite corona-related economic difficulties.

4. Corona outbreak in 2 post logistic centers
More than 100 people were tested positive in 2 post logistic centres. Temporary agencies were the trigger for the corona infection. Several hundred workers are in quarantine. The federal army has taken over the work. The ÖGB union branch of Postal and Telecommunications Workers (GPF) complains that in these two logistic centres 50 percent of the workforce are temporary workers. “With now more than 500,000 unemployed in Austria, there is no understanding for these types of contracts”.

 Date of update: 11 May 2020

1. Covid-19 risk group officially defined
The Ministry of Health has published rules that defined people as a risk group and have a right to work in home office or time off until the end of the Corona crisis. These are people with chronic underlying diseases such as kidney, lung or heart disease. Those affected will be informed of their status by the social insurance agency, and the doctor can then issue a risk certificate.

2. Youth unemployment
Due to the crisis, youth unemployment is predicted to almost double from 44,000 at present to 80,000 people! Young people are dismissed faster and find harder a new job afterwards. In addition, there is predicted a shortage of 7,500 apprenticeships in September. The Union Youth (ÖGJ) warns of a "Generation Corona" and therefore demands a package of measures against the imminent catastrophe in the vocational trainings.

3. ÖGB petition
More than 130,000 people have already signed the ÖGB petition for a "thousand Euro Corona". This thousand Euro bonus is to be given to all those who have to leave their homes during the Corona crisis in order to work and who are or were exposed to an increased risk of infection. This is to be tax-free as part of the federal government’s corona aid package.

4. Retail employees: plexiglas panel is enough protection
If retail employees are separated from the customers, for example by plexiglas panels attached to the cash registers, they do not have to wear any additional mouth and nose protection or face protection (visor). This has been clarified by the labour inspectorate following a request from the union GPA-djp.

 Date of update: 5 May 2020

1. Short-time work
The Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB), its trade unions and the Austrian Chamber of Labour (AK) have called for an aid package for workers, which has been put together jointly by social partners and the Federal Government. Short-time work is also possible for apprentices. From initially 400 Million euros, the short-time package increased to ten billion euros. Almost 1,25 million workers are now working short time. Another 570.000 are jobless.

2. Trade union hotline
Since the beginning of the Corona-crisis, the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB) and the Austrian Chamber of Labour (AK) have launched a hotline called “job and corona” ( The hotline currently receives around 500 calls a day. The number one issue continues to be short-time work. The website still records around 50,000 visits a week. A current analysis shows that the website is recommended on at least 65 websites of ministries, authorities, the media, etc.. The hotline will continue to run at least until mid-May.

3. Shops
Hairdressers and other personal services (i.e. pedicure service) as well as big shops and shopping centers opened on May 2. Hardware, garden centres as well as small businesses have also been able to open since April 14th. The opening of restaurants is planned for mid-May and hotels for end of May. Mask requirement when shopping and on public transport. Ten square meters per customer in all stores.

4. Schools
School-leavers degrees and other graduating classes returned to school on May 4. Two weeks later, on May 18, the elementary and lower school students follow, and again two weeks later the rest. Regional differences exist in the reopening of kindergartens.

 Date of update: 27 April 2020

1. Hairdressers and other personal services (i.e. pedicure service) are able to open on May 2 (May 5) but more importantly, schools will be opening in mid-May (although it is not clear if they will open on May 15 or May 18). This pertains to pupils aged 6 to 14. Starting mid May, the individual classes will be halved and "Group A " will go to school from Monday to Wednesday and "Group B" will go to school on Thursday and Friday. These groups will alternate each week (resulting in 14 days of class for each group).

2. The Government took the decisions about plans to reopen the different productive segments of the economy without involving trade unions. However, at the company level, having works councils is paying off: Short-time work, production changeover and corona protective measures.

3. Some measures have been eased since April 14. Carpooling with people from different households is now permitted also the use of public transport is no longer earmarked. However, both are only permitted with mouth-nose protection and a distance rule of at least one meter.
The access to sports facilities is again allowed (in areas such as athletics, tennis, golf, equestrian sports, archery, shooting ranges or gliding).

4. The Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB), its trade unions and the Austrian Chamber of Labour (AK) have called for an aid package for workers, which has been put together jointly by social partners and the Federal Government. Short-time work is also possible for apprentices. From initially 400 Million euros, the short-time package increased to five billion euros. Almost 900.000 workers are now working short time (20.04.2020).

 Date of update: 15 April 2020
Shops are slowly opening
Since April 14, small business premises can sell goods as well as craft businesses. Hardware and garden centers have also been able to open since April 14th. Unions call on employers to introduce safeguards so as not to endanger workers’ health.

Social dialogue
Short-time work, production changeover, corona protective measures etc. - the works councils in the companies fight above all for more security and against dismissals.

Short-time work
The Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB), its trade unions and the Austrian Chamber of Labour (AK) have called for an aid package for workers, which has been put together jointly by social partners and the Federal Government. Short-time work is also possible for apprentices. From initially 400 Million euros, the short-time package increased to five billion euros. Around 610.000 workers are now working short time (14.04.2020).

Unfortunately, not all employers used the short-time package. Around 600.000 workers lost their job due to the coronavirus. The trade unions call for an increase in unemployment benefits. The net replacement rate, which is low in an OECD comparison, should increase from 55 to 70 percent, the subscription period should be extended by three months.

Inheritance and millionaire taxes
Unions has long called for the introduction of a millionaire’s tax to finance socially important projects from climate protection to care and education. This crisis must not only be borne by workers, the introduction of inheritance and millionaire taxes make an important contribution to mitigate the effects of the crisis.

No distribution of dividends
Stock companies that need state aid (for example applying for short-time work) are not allowed to distribute dividends for one year. The manager bonuses must be halved compared to the previous year.