A. Global Organising Academy
National Lead organisers from across all regions, including Organisers working with GUFs and on other ITUC priority campaigns, and have successfully implemented a Regional Academy and a strategic campaign are invited to the annual Global Organising Academy. During this time Organisers are pushed to evolve their strategic thinking by working on campaign case studies and deeply analysing 1-3 campaigns. They work in groups across regional and language divides to examine the most interesting campaigns develop a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
B. Regional Organising Academy/Activities
National Lead Organisers participate in Regional Organising Academies. They arrive at the training with a campaign they are either currently working on or in the preparation phase of planning. The course helps to facilitate the strategies behind a national campaign. It is not meant to be a theoretical exercise. Organisers are expected to ask critical questions of the strategies and tactics employed in their campaigns and within those of fellow participants. At the end of the course participants are asked to use the tools they developed over the course to present their campaign plan. The other participants provide feedback and discussion.
C. ITUC Organising National Follow Up Academies/Activities
National Lead Organisers play an integral role in developing Organisers within their own countries. By partnering with the Global Organising Academy and the Regional Organisers they build a national Organising Activity specifically focuses on the needs and focus of their particular national context. This plays an integral role in developing future National Lead Organisers and implementing successful national campaigns. They work with their elected leadership and with the national centres to make organising a priority throughout their organisations.
Activities include 1-3-day Organising Course which focuses on topics such as:
- The ability to introduce the union to workers through one-on-one conversations
- Identifying leaders and leadership development
- Exchanging organising experiences with other participants and trainers.
- Developing an effective message
- Building broader alliances
- Mapping a workplace & mapping a community
D. Mentoring
Once the classroom training is complete, the relationship between Organiser and the Global Organising Academy has only just begun. It is our belief that the skills of organising are not developed within the safety of a conference room or a classroom, but in the process of running campaigns, shadowing organisers, checking in with progress. Mentoring plays an important role in the development of National Lead Organisers.
E. Special Campaign-Imbedded Training