Kristina Henschen, Union to Union, Eva Nordmark, TCO and Berit Müllerström, LO, from two of our three member organizations, celebrate the 40th birthday of Union to Union. Photo by Fredrik Säterli
Union to Union cooperates with and supports trade union organisations globally through 100 development projects in approximately 90 countries. Its members are the LO (Sweden), the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, Saco, the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations and TCO, the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees.
The event was an opportunity to celebrate and recall the need for free and democratic trade unions and for global solidarity between them that goes beyond national borders. Cooperation is the way forward.
Swedish unions have worked towards resolving fundamental issues for 100 years. Through Union to Union’s work, this wealth of knowledge has been pooled with that of trade unions worldwide to achieve a better world through improved conditions for working people.
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