8th Trade Union OECD DAC Forum, 25 Sept. 2023

This year’s Trade Union / OECD DAC Forum will focus on how trade unions and DAC members can work together on three key objectives of the UN’s Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions: (1) creating decent climate-friendly jobs, (2) extending social protection, and (3) ensuring a just transition towards carbon neutral and resilient societies.

Practical information
 Date: 25 September 2023
 Time: 13h30 -17h30 (CET)
 Venue: OECD Conference Centre, Paris (France)




 A preparatory meeting for trade union delegates will take place on 25 September from 9.30 to 12.30.


 Introduction (13.30-14.00)

 Session 1 (14.00-15.30): Strengthening social protection & achieving a just transition in responses to the multiple crises

 Session 2 (16.00-17.30): Promoting decent climate-friendly jobs with just transition through development cooperation


 Background materials related to session 1: Social protection

 Background materials related to session 2: Jobs