32rd Asia-Pacific Economic Coopration (APEC) human resources development working group - ITUC/APLN Statement

Hiroshima, Japan, 24-28 February, 2010,

On the occasion of the 32nd APEC Human Resources Development Working Group
(HRDWG) and in anticipation of the Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting (HRDMM) which is to take place in Beijing in September 2010, the International Trade Union Confederation / Asia Pacific Labour Network (ITUC/APLN) urges the 32nd HRDWG to facilitate APEC Economies’ responses to the financial and jobs crises, promote labour participation in the APEC process and promote decent work. As immediate points for action – and as steps towards a stronger APEC community and a more sustainable future – the ITUC/APLN calls on the 32nd HRDWG to:

1. promote quality employment creation at the heart of the economic recovery
2. adopt comprehensive APEC Decent Work Guidelines

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Statement to the 32rd APEC human resources development working group