Workers’ Memorial Day: Stop the pandemic at work

April 28 is International Workers’ Memorial Day or Workers’ Mourning Day. This is the international day of remembrance and action for workers killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work.

The focus this year is of course the global COVID-19 pandemic. While everyone is affected by the crisis, workers are on the front line.

“Healthcare workers in particular are risking their lives doing their job to take care of the sick. And there are people working in aged care and other facilities looking after the most vulnerable groups of people. But we also need transport and supermarket workers, providers of essential services and many others to keep the economy going. People should also thank these workers because if you can’t buy food, then you can’t keep your family sustained and healthy,” said Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary.

International Workers’ Memorial Day 2020 will be held in support of all these courageous workers and in remembrance of the people who have died or become sick or injured while doing their job.

Social distancing and lockdown measures most likely mean that physical meetings and events will not be possible.

Here are some suggestions for activities, and how to spread your message:

Solidarity in Action - Stop the Pandemic at Work
The overwhelming majority of union activities on April 28 will be virtual and your photos will represent the power, the solidarity and the commitment of union members everywhere to safety at work.

Share your photos or 30 second videos on social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram) using #iwmd20 or email them to [email protected]

For frontline workers who are ‘Saving Lives - Staying Safe’, send a photo in your protective apparel or how your workplace is practicing social distancing safely to ‘Stop the Pandemic at Work’.

Sample social media message:
Part of the team that’s saving lives and staying safe on #iwmd20
Together we can #StopthePandemicAtWork

For all workers, to show your solidarity to ‘Stop the Pandemic at Work’, send a photo of a candle you light in your homes or workplaces in solidarity with frontline workers making our lives possible.

Sample social media message:
Shining a light on all those who are working to #StopthePandemicAtWork
Thank you to all frontline workers on #iwmd20

For union officials, hold a sign with a list of support measures you have negotiated to ‘Stop the Pandemic at Work’

Sample social media message:
Unions in action #StopthePandemicAtWork
Fighting for:
Paid sick leave
Safe workplaces
Job guarantees

If you have ideas for virtual activities, please share them with us by sending an email to [email protected]. We will make them public on our campaign website once per page —>