2. Trade Unions as Development Actors
(Workstream 2 will discuss the different systems of support that exist both in the North and the South on support for trade union programmes/projects. It will look especially at the different trade union support systems in donor countries and appreciate the current evolutions of these support schemes due to governmental policy changes. It will also feed in and give feed back on the assessment on how governments integrate the Decent Work Agenda as a cross-cutting issue in their development cooperation policy. Research will be undertaken on the basis of the ILO DW assessment kit and feed in as part of the workstream.)
Articles in this section
Acteurs du Développement - Groupe de travail 2 - Note d’Information sur la Réunion (Bruxelles, mai 2009) -
Actores del Desarrollo - Grupo de trabajo 2 - Nota informativa sobre la Reunión (Bruselas, mayo 2009) -
Actores del Desarrollo - Grupo de trabajo 2 - Documento explicativo -
Acteurs du Développement - Groupe de travail 2 - Document explicatif -
Development Actors - Workstream 2 - Background Document