"Decent Work at the Heart of Development Cooperation for Poverty Eradication"
The first biennial meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) comes
at a critical juncture for the international community, with the global economy beset by a
series of crises – the food and energy crises, and the financial market slowdown that
threaten to put the clock back on hard-won gains in poverty alleviation, and plunge
100million people back below the $1 a day poverty threshold. The International Trade
Union Confederation, representing 168 million workers, organized in national trade union
centres in 155 countries world wide, is concerned about the impacts of these crises on the
lives and livelihoods of working women and men and their families. Nor were the crises
inevitable. They result from wrong policy choices, and inappropriate governance
arrangements at global level, that have put the liberalization of markets and the quest for
profits above human well-being. By the same token, these policies and institutional
arrangements can and must be changed, if we are to achieve policy coherence between
economic, finance, and trade policies in the interest of sustainable development...
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