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New TUDCN Video: A trade union focus on the Sustainable Development Goals

This video shows how the members of the TUDCN are stepping up their efforts to contribute to the SDGs and demand accountability to the commitments undertaken by governments.

Watch the video here
Policies and advocacy
TUDCN 2017 Open Coordination Meeting

The OCM is an annual meeting that takes place halfway between the General Meetings of the Trade Union Development Cooperation Network (TUDCN). Open to all members, it aims to provide an update on recent developments and to make any adjustments on the orientation of the work of the TUDCN for the following six months.

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Trade unions at the OECD DAC High Level Meeting 2017

Trade unions, through TUAC and the TUDCN, recently took part in the annual High Level Meeting of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC), where the stage was set for major decisions to be taken on development cooperation.

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Trade union update on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicator-setting process

The Inter-Agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG) was set up by the United Nations to develop and implement the global indicator framework for the 2030 Agenda. The Trade Union Development Cooperation Network has been following this work with intent and provides an update following its sixth meeting.

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Lack of inclusiveness at the Fifth African Union-European Union Summit

With a number of key agreements that frame relations between these two leading regional actors under review, this summit came at a crucial time. Trade unions note a number of limitations regarding the space provided to civil society participation at the summit.

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TUDCN Partnerships Working Group Meeting

Trade unions across the world participate in solidarity initiatives with each other. Increasing the impact of these initiatives is the aim of the TUDCN’s Partnerships Working Group.

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A fresh look at old problems – the role of the SDG indicators in building women’s economic empowerment

Both gendered perceptions and poor representation in decision-making have meant that women’s work continues to be undervalued. However, new tools are being developed in the context of the 2030 Agenda, which can help to bridge the gap between policy-making and working women’s realities.

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News from the TUDCN network

Building a national trade union engagement approach to the 2030 Agenda in Indonesia
By Wawan Erfianto (KSPI/CITU) 

A workshop aimed at strengthening trade union involvement in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was held in Indonesia on 10-11/11/2017 in Jakarta. Organised by the ILO Jakarta Office, the two-day event raised awareness of the 2030 Agenda among trade union leaders.

Find out more here
Building women workers’ power!

The three Belgian trade unions are working together to advance workers’ and women’s rights, both in Belgium and beyond through their development cooperation work. Most recently, they came together to provide strategic support to the ITUC’s 3rd World Women’s Conference.

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Happy birthday Union to Union! Swedish organisation celebrates 40 years of service

This October, Union to Union celebrated four decades of global cooperation between trade unions. A celebratory event was organised to mark the occasion, attended by speakers from partner organisations all over the world.

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UNSAS (Senegal) commits to environmental protection

By Anne Cécile Coly @CecileColy

Workers in Senegal are increasingly involved in climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.  UNSAS (Senegal) recently organised a workshop on the issue to raise awareness and provide its members with training.

Find out more here (in French)
No more excuses: New evidence reveals EU Action on Bangladesh labour rights abuses long over-due

In light of new evidence, trade unions and labour organizations are today renewing their calls to the European Commission to make good on its promise to launch a trade investigation into Bangladesh as a result of its government’s continued failure to make urgently needed reforms to the law and practice governing trade union rights in the country’s Ready Made Garment industry.

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El Salvador embroidery workers defy odds to form union

In isolated rural areas across El Salvador, thousands of women work from their homes hand-embroidering intricate patterns on pieces of cloth they later return completed to factories to be sewn into finished garments. Operating in the informal economy, they are not protected by the minimum wage law, and are denied the right to safe workplaces, pensions, paid sick leave or paid vacations. Local unions are campaigning to change their conditions.

Find out more here

News from the development community

World Social Protection Report 2017-19

The report is a first progress report on the implementation of SDG target 1.3.1 on social protection, presenting estimates of coverage for all key areas of the social protection floor.  The report estimates that 55% of the global population lacks any social protection at all, and only 29% of the global population are covered by comprehensive social protection systems.

Find out more here
Public-Private Partnerships: Defusing the ticking time bomb.

A new briefing from Eurodad reveals how the increased promotion of public-private partnerships (PPPs) by the World Bank and others is having a disastrous impact on both developed and developing countries.

Find out more here
Voluntary National Reviews Synthesis Report 2017

This report provides a snapshot of the efforts undertaken by these 43 countries to place SDGs at the centre of their development planning, and assesses the challenges, opportunities and lessons to be learnt in the implementation of the Goals.

Read the report here
Sign up for the TUDCN Daily News Report!

The TUDCN secretariat puts together daily e-mail alerts with 3 or 4 highlights of development news of particular relevance to trade unions.

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Upcoming events

Policy Forum on Development - EU (Ghent, Belgium)
15-17 January 2018

OECD conference on Private Finance for Sustainable Development (Paris)
29 January 2018

CSO Forum & UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (Geneva)
28 February - 2 March 2018

4th Trade Union / OECD-DAC Forum (Paris)
20 March 2018

Policy Forum on Development - Global (Brussels)
20-22 March 2018

See the TUDCN calendar

Useful links

Trade Union Development Cooperation Network
2030 Agenda - International Trade Union Confederation
African Trade Union Development Network
Cooperation Network of the Trade Union Confederation of Americas
Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD
International Labour Organisation
ILO's Bureau of Workers' Activities (ACTRAV)
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Social Watch
Directorate General for Development and Cooperation, European Commission
European Parliament Committee on Development
Business and Human Rights
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Trade Union Development Cooperation Network - TUDCN
c/o International Trade Union Confederation
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5, Bte 1 - 1210 Brussels - Belgium
[email protected]
This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the ITUC and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.