United Nation’s High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development

The ITUC has, on many occasions, raised its voice to demand rights and respect for migrant workers. Despite the existence of International Conventions and standards, there is no clear institutional framework dealing with migration at global level. The has led to a situation in which states formulate unbalanced migration policies, prioritising security concerns or economic interests over their human and labour rights obligations.
The HLD provides a key opportunity to put human rights back at the centre of migration policies. The ILO, the only UN agency with a constitutional mandate to protect migrant workers, must beat the centre of a multilateral governance mechanism, reaffirming the centrality of decent work in migration issues

  1. Read more about labour migration
  2. The ITUC checklist for work on migration is accessible here.
  3. CSO JOINT STATEMENT for the Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the General Assembly High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development 2013
  4. Global Union Statement: The UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development must deliver on a rights- based approach to migration

Message of Sharan Burrow for the Social Justice Event on Migrant Workers’ Rights (ACTU)