Equality Statements Global Unions Statement for the UNCSW66: Global Unions call to action for a gender-transformative and inclusive just transition for a green and caring world Thu. 28 October 2021
Equality Statements UNCSW65 Global Unions Statement: It is Past Time for a Gender Equal New Normal! Fri. 11 December 2020
Equality Statements Global Day of Action for Care: Unions and civil society mobilising to demand investments in care for building more inclusive, accessible, resilient, and caring economies. Tue. 27 October 2020
Equality Statements 64th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women: Global Unions’ Response to the Political Declaration Tue. 10 March 2020
Equality Statements 25 years after the Beijing Declaration, Commonwealth trade unions call for urgent action on women’s equality Tue. 3 March 2020
Equality Statements World Day for Decent Work: Unions unite for investment in care for decent jobs and gender equality Thu. 3 October 2019