Economy Equality Climate Statements EU-Africa Summit (October 2007) - Decent work at the heart of the EU‐Africa Strategy - Trade Union statement Sat. 27 October 2007
Climate News Trade Unions Call for Accelerated Commitment to Climate Negotiations Mon. 15 December 2008
Economy Climate News Trade Unions Push Priorities for Achieving a Strong and Fair Climate Deal at Copenhagen Summit Wed. 9 September 2009
Economy Climate Statements Trade Unions Statement to the Pittsburgh G20 Summit, 24-25 september 2009 Fri. 25 September 2009
Equality Climate Statements UN Durban Review Conference concerning racism (Geneva) - "Decent work has no colour!" - Trade Union Statement Mon. 20 April 2009
Economy Rights Equality Climate News ITUC General Council Adopts Action Plans on Global Crisis and Climate Change Fri. 19 December 2008
Equality Climate Sustainable Development News Trade unions welcome UN HLPF Ministerial Declaration, but demand action Mon. 19 July 2021