46th Session of the UN Commission for Social Development (New York) - ITUC Statement

"Decent Work for All: A Key Objective for Economic and Social Development"

The ITUC welcomes the decision of the Commission for Social Development to
focus on “full and productive employment and decent work” as its priority theme for the
two-year cycle 2007-2008. The ITUC represents and defends the interests of those that
are the subject of the debate on the Commission’s priority theme. The organisation
represents 168 million workers organised in 311 national trade union centres in 155
countries and territories. Striving to eradicate poverty, to defend the rights and improve
the conditions of the hundreds of millions of the working poor and the unemployed
constitute core aspects of the ITUC’s mandate. In our view, therefore, it is of critical
importance that the Commission come to agreement on an effective Resolution for
submission to the General Assembly through ECOSOC, asserting the centrality of full
and productive employment and decent work for poverty eradication...

Download the PDF:

ITUC Statement to the 46th Session of the UN Commission for Social Development