Brainstorming on social dialogue for development

A growing body of evidence indicates that social dialogue contributes significantly to the aims of development work. In light of this, the TUDCN and the ILO jointly organised a seminar to explore this relationship. It brought together institutional actors interested in this means of implementation on the 17th and 18th of November 2016 in Brussels, Belgium.

A number of initiatives have been launched by various development actors that aim to promote effective development through social dialogue. The seminar aimed to bring together some of these in order to build on this momentum and explore ways forward. The benefits of an institutionalised dialogue between the social partners are well documented. However, its relevance remains to be fully understood within development discourses.

Findings of recent national case studies in Ghana, Indonesia and Uruguay were presented which explored country-level experiences. Among the positive outcomes on societies in developing countries observed, were the building of strong and inclusive institutions, as well as the increased coherence of resulting policies. These results make social dialogue a strong tool to strengthen the policy-making process within developing countries but further evidence highlighted that it also has relevance in development policy-making.

Current trends and implementation challenges were highlighted. Participants explored some of the conditions required in order to maximise the developmental impact of social dialogue at the company-level as well as the national and international levels. Further research paths were suggested on the contribution of social dialogue to the Sustainable Development Goals, on social dialogue in the informal economy, in fragile states and in regional and sub-regional organisations. Building on the initiative of the seminar, future pathways for a multi-stakeholder initiative on social dialogue were discussed.

Consult the meeting documents here.