The CFDT working in cooperation with its partners in Mali, Senegal and Togo

For the last three years, the CFDT, via the Belleville Institute, the CSN Quebec and the ITUC’s African Regional Organisation (ITUC-Africa) have been involved in a development cooperation project with its trade union partners in Mali (CSTM), Senegal (Unsas) and Togo (CSTT).

The aim of this cooperation is to support workers in the informal sector, which in these countries employs about three quarters of the working age population. Training carried out through the project has enabled workers ranging from dry cleaners in Mali, leather tanners in Senegal and hairdressers in Togo to organise. They have learnt about health and safety, and the environment, and they also now know more about social insurance through mutual societies. This partnership has also strengthened the local trade union organisations that have affiliated hundreds of informal sector workers.

The CFDT and the CSN have contributed to providing training for these informal sector workers, while also strengthening the local trade union organisations.