The Way Forward - 3rd Day of the TUDCN General Meeting

Today was the last day of the TUDCN General Meeting. An opportunity to look at the challenges ahead and reflect on the network achievements.

The TUDCN secretariat highlighted one of its achievements: the recently published TUDCN Development Paper.

Those guidelines aim to improve the capacity of trade unions and those working with trade unions to map the progress of their development work and be able to learn from it.

Furthermore, attendees shared their regional activities in the Americas, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa regions. Global Unions representatives also exposed their activities for the forthcoming year and collected the network members’ views and insights.

In terms of the network achievements, Adrien Akouété of ITUC Africa noted that the network has enabled Southern voices to be heard in international debates on development.

Nezam Qahoush of ITUC MENA particularly stressed that the network added value comes from the diversity of its members background and engagement.

The next TUDCN General Meeting will take place in Africa in spring 2015