DRC: the trade union platform “Union Fait la Force” celebrated the World Day for Decent Work.

At the initiative of the trade union movement in 2008, the 7th of October was designated the World Day for Decent Work.

This is an unprecedented occasion for trade unions and all organisations working for decent work through the world to be part of a large global mobilisation putting man at the heart of labour discussions; a new globalisation which will firstly advocate for the respect for human dignity, with the universal right to decent work as a starting point.

In the DRC, this Monday 7th of October the “Union Fait la Force” (UFF) the trade union platform which brings together the following trade union confederations: the Union Nationale des Travailleurs du Congo (UNTC), the Confédération Démocratique du Travail (CDT) and the Conseil des Syndicats du Secteur Public et Privé (COOSSEP), celebrated the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) in the Notre Dame de FATIMA hall in Kinshasa (GOMBE), the capital of the DR of Congo.

This demonstration chaired by the Presidents of the 3 trade union organisations also welcomed the Minister of the Public Service, Claude KIBALA.
Several trade union songs and slogans were sung and declared in the conference hall on this occasion including: UFF EN AVANT; NOUS IRONS JUSQU’AU BOUT DU MONDE, LE SYNDICAT NE PERIRA PAS…

On the agenda:
1. The UFF Declaration read by its current President and the contents of which retains the fundamental principles of the DRC inter-union demands presented to the Minister for Employment, Labour and Social Security on international Labour Day at the Place du Cinquantenaire on the 1st of May 2013.
2. A speech by the Minister of the Public Service on the concerns expressed in the UFF Declaration and the trade union situation in the DRC.
3. Interventions followed by discussions on the decent work theme given by:
a) a representative of the Fédération des Entreprises du Congo (FEC);
b) the director of labour inspections in the DRC.

In his address, the UFF President stressed that in the DRC there is a huge decent work deficit which is the reflection of poor political, economic, social and environmental governance in the country since 1960. Access to decent work remains a significant challenge although decent work has proved to be the sustainable solution in the fight against poverty and a fundamental element to guarantee economic democracy, justice and social cohesion in society.

The event opened and closed with the national anthem. There was a very positive atmosphere throughout and the guests including other trade unions were invited to a share a post-meeting drink.